Mission Statement
The Oregon FFA is dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of our members by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.
Student Leaders
Chapter PresidentTessa DuncanTessa Duncan is a senior at Enterprise High school and a fifth year member of FFA. Her SAE projects include working at Longhorn Espresso, working for Duncan Ranch, working at Buttercup brew, and raising a sheep to sell at the WC Fair. Outside of work and school, Tessa enjoys Hunting, hiking, playing basketball, doing anything outdoors, and spending time with friends and family.
Chapter PresidentTessa DuncanTessa Duncan is a senior at Enterprise High school and a fifth year member of FFA. Her SAE projects include working at Longhorn Espresso, working for Duncan Ranch, working at Buttercup brew, and raising a sheep to sell at the WC Fair. Outside of work and school, Tessa enjoys Hunting, hiking, playing basketball, doing anything outdoors, and spending time with friends and family.
Chapter Vice PresidentOwyhee HarguessOwyhee Harguess is a junior at Enterprise High School and a 5th year FFA member. Her SAE projects include working at Corner Stone Farm, raising a hog for the Wallowa County Fair, and running a long care business with her sister. Outside of work and school, Owyhee enjoys running, hunting, sports, and reading a good book.
Chapter SecretaryKimber SteinKimber Stein is senior at Enterprise High school and a sixth year member of FFA. Her SAE projects includes working at Longhorn Espresso,babysitting, and raising steers to show and sell at the Wallowa County Fair. Outside of work and school, Kimber enjoys hunting, fishing, working with cattle, playing golf, being with friends and family, and going on camping trips.
Chapter HistorianKaylee EavesKaylee Eaves is a junior at EHS and she is a fifth year FFA member. Her SAE project is Diamond D Farms where she changes pipe, sprays weeds and does other odd projects. Outside of FFA she enjoys camping, hunting, hanging out with her friends, and going to the lake.
Chapter TreasurerDawson CudmoreDawson Cudmore is junior at Enterprise High school and a third year member of FFA. His SAE projects includes working at Joseph Market, High Mountain Hay Co, Butterfeild Farms and raising a Steer to sell at the WC Fair. Outside of work and school, Dawson enjoys dirtbiking, hunting, fishing, working and driving his truck, enjoying the outdoors and spending time with his family.
Chapter TreasurerDawson CudmoreDawson Cudmore is junior at Enterprise High school and a third year member of FFA. His SAE projects includes working at Joseph Market, High Mountain Hay Co, Butterfeild Farms and raising a Steer to sell at the WC Fair. Outside of work and school, Dawson enjoys dirtbiking, hunting, fishing, working and driving his truck, enjoying the outdoors and spending time with his family.
Chapter SentinelIone C. FlynnIone is a junior in the Enterprise FFA Chapter. This is her third year of FFA. Her SAE includes working for her family ranch, selling beef, and showing a steer at the Wallowa county fair.
Chapter ReporterKylee CunninghamKylee Cunningham is junior at Enterprise High school and a third year member of FFA. Her SAE projects includes working at Longhorn Espresso, Trail-head Coffee, Sundown Farm, Rock 'n J Ranch, and raising a pig to sell at the WC Fair and Eastern Oregon Livestock Show. Outside of work and school, Kylee enjoys running, riding her horse, baking, fishing, spending time at the lake, hiking, flying, being with her extended family, specifically her cousins, babysitting volunteering at church and youth group, and hanging out with her goats and dogs.
Chapter Executive Committee MemberRyder TomasiniRyder Tomasini is junior at Enterprise High school and a fourth year member of FFA. His SAE projects includes working on a farm, by running equipment, changing pipe, and doing other miscellaneous things around the farm. Outside of work and school, Ryder enjoys hanging out with friends and family, working on his truck, and also riding his dirtbike.
Chapter Executive Committee MemberJacob JourniganJacob Journigan is a sophomore at Enterprise High School and a 4th year FFA member. His SAE projects includes mowing lawns, selling eggs and chickens, and multiple small jobs. He enjoys being a member in FFA and FCCLA, going to the lake, camping, and spending time with friends and family.
Chapter Executive Committee MemberRyder TomasiniRyder Tomasini is junior at Enterprise High school and a fourth year member of FFA. His SAE projects includes working on a farm, by running equipment, changing pipe, and doing other miscellaneous things around the farm. Outside of work and school, Ryder enjoys hanging out with friends and family, working on his truck, and also riding his dirtbike.
Chapter Junior AdvisorHannah Kate SheehyHannah Kate Sheehy is a senior at Enterprise High School. This is her sixth year of FFA. Her SAE includes working the summers at Longhorn Espresso and for her grandparent's ranch.
Chapter Junior AdvisorHannah Kate SheehyHannah Kate Sheehy is a senior at Enterprise High School. This is her sixth year of FFA. Her SAE includes working the summers at Longhorn Espresso and for her grandparent's ranch.
Program Vision Statements
Growing Our Communities Knowledge of the program
Increasing our membership
Increasing our Community Service Activities
Increase member involvement in contests and events
Increase Student SAE projects
Student Committees
CommitteeCommittee Summary and Objectives
Growing Leaders - Career Success
Chair: Jacob Journigan
National Convention Tours, Career Tours, Industry Interaction
Growing Leaders - Healthy Lifestyle
Chair: Ione C. Flynn
Dodgeball Game night
Growing Leaders - Leadership
Chair: Kaylee Eaves
Hold an officer retreat during the summer to plan the years activities the POA and to plan ways to engage more students
Growing Leaders - Personal Growth
Chair: Kimber Stein
State Officer Visits, Leadership Camps,
Growing Leaders - Scholarship
Chair: Alisha Melville
To work with the Hope Chapter to provide and receive scholarships for the exchange program. The scholarship program will emphasize growth and academic experiences
Building Communities - Citizenship
Chair: Ryder Tomasini
Cemetery Clean up
Building Communities - Economic Development
Chair: Tessa Duncan
Cycle Oregon, help host visiting Cyclists
Building Communities - Environmental
Chair: Jacob Journigan
Environmental Activities with Jenny
Building Communities - Human Resources
Chair: Hannah Kate Sheehy
Little Buddies Program with Grade School
Building Communities - Stakeholder Engagement
Chair: Kaylee Eaves
Ag Issues team and topic
Strengthening Agriculture - Agricultural Advocacy
Chair: Kylee Cunningham
Newsletter, Tik Tok, New caster
Strengthening Agriculture - Agricultural Literacy
Chair: Hannah Kate Sheehy
Ag In the classroom
Strengthening Agriculture - Chapter Recruitment
Chair: Owyhee Harguess
Open House, 8th grade visits
Strengthening Agriculture - Safety
Chair: Ryder Tomasini
Shop Night
Strengthening Agriculture - Support Group
Chair: Dawson Cudmore
Work with Alumni, breakfast and FFA week activities

Saturday, February 8, 2025

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